Information for Funders

Unfortunately we are unable to accept any new applications at this time

Funding & Support

The Abbeyfield Research Foundation is currently funded from an annual grant from The Abbeyfield Society. However, in order for the Foundation to increase its innovative research programme we will be seeking additional funding from other sources. This will help to achieve our aim to significantly improve the lives of older people and those responsible for their care.

To do this successfully, we ensure that out research priorities and strategic objectives remain attractive to both those seeking funding, and those who wish to fund good quality research. We will also campaign through proactive PR to raise the profile of aging related research, and in particular the contribution that we are making to older people.

Our fundraising efforts will be primarily focused on major corporate and trusts and grant applications within the statutory sector.

Corporate and Trust Funding Opportunities

We are actively seeking potential funding and support from corporate and charitable organisations for a range of research projects including pump-priming grants, small projects grants and PhDs.

To discuss how your funding could make a difference and help to achieve your charitable aims and objectives please contact us by email